A conversational AI platform aiming to create realistic characters.
A small GPT-based AI tool that helps you formulate any ideas into a tweet.
I developed this website using Next.js as a way to showcase my projects. It is still a work in progress as I will slowly add more contents and features to it, such as responsive design for better mobile support.
This is a web social media that I am developing to promote connectedness among people in the world. It is still a work in progress. The frontend is built using React and the data is managed with MongoDB.
An interactive visualization tool to compare the severeness of COVID-19 with overall sentiment on Twitter written in Python. The Natural Language Processing Toolkit (NLTK) is used to analyze the text and the sentiment of the tweets.
A VR bowling game developed using Unity. Outside of bowling, players can also freely explore the bowling alley using teleportation.
An iOS app that allows users to identify a dog's breed from a single photo. Built with Swift and Firebase. Used pretrained machine learning models in the backend to perform breed detection.
A game where players control a boy who walks through an unknown ruin all by himself. A small Unity project that helped me to learned Unity's lighting, audio, and animation system in-depth.
I led our high school's robotics team to compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge. Outside of being the captain, I was responsible to program the robot's autonomous and remote control mode using Java.I also developed the object recognition feature using Vuforia.
A robotics competition where teams present home-service robots to score points by accomplishing tasks. We used TurtleBot as the base robot and programed it with ROS. Unforunately, the competition was cancelled due to COVID-19.
A worldwide robotics tournament where teams of autonomous robot compete in a face-paced soccer game. My team won numerous regional tournaments and competed in the world finals three times, winning 15th, 3rd, and 2nd place overall.